Welcome to Tri County Athletics

Home of the Vikings

It is with great excitement that we welcome you to the 2024-2025 Tri County Viking athletic year.  Tri County Area Schools is a member of the CSAA (Central States Activities Conference). 

Our student-athletes are given the expectation of the importance of being a student first, and the life long benefits of education. Performance in the classroom is our first goal. Viking athletic teams are also charged with the responsibility of conducting themselves with character, commitment, and a true sense of sportsmanship. 

Athletic Updates

All Tri County Viking student-athletes are required to be registered in our online athletic registration program.  Tri County High School Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students online. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice!  You will review your information once per school year to verify information is current and sign the forms.

Student Athlete Registration Final Forms 

A couple of hints:

  1. Bookmark this site or save it to your desktop on your mobile device or computer (do not Google search for it in the future as you will not go directly to the Tri County site).

  2. Have required information available, such as medical history/health information, insurance company policy numbers, doctor, dentist and hospital information. This will make the registration time be more efficiently completed.

  3. Parents will need to fill in your student’s email address. FinalForms requires that the student’s @tricountyschools.com email address be used. Obtain this from your son/daughter — it is their student id number @tricountyschools.com.  Your student will then need to check their email for information on how to complete their portion of the registration.

  4. Attached is the ParentPlaybook Tri County MI to help you with the online registration process. Please note once you register, you will receive an email to confirm your account, create a password, and then complete the required forms.

Thank you for your assistance and support in streamlining our paperwork processes for Tri County High School Athletics. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Athletic Dept.

Central States Activities Conference


GOLD DIVISION                                             SILVER DIVISION       

PDF DocumentBig Rapids Cardinals                                           Hesperia Panthers
PDF DocumentCentral Montcalm Hornets                                 Holton Red Devils
PDF DocumentChippewa Hills Warriors                                    Kent City Eagles
PDF DocumentGrant Tigers                                                         Lakeview Wildcats
PDF DocumentNewaygo Lions                                               PDF DocumentMorley Stanwood Mohawks
PDF DocumentReed City Coyotes                                               White Cloud Indians
PDF DocumentTri County Vikings

Tickets for Post Season Play for ALL Athletic teams need to be purchased through GOFAN.com.  Just follow these instructions to get tickets to all Tri County Post Season athletic events.

Go to:  http://www.gofan.co/
Search:  Howard City
Select the event you would like to purchase tickets for






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Athletic Director

Phil Butler
Tri County High School
Tory Mulholland
Administrative Assistant

Pay to Participate for Student-Athletes

This fee does not include club sports (HS bowling, MS football, poms, MS Softball and MS soccer). Please give payment to the coaches of your club sport.

  • A $75 one-time fee for High School athletes and a $50 one-time fee for Middle School athletes is due one week before the first game, regardless if athletes play one or three sports.
  • A family maximum of $175 for the school year with any combination of HS and MS siblings. 
  • Pay to Participate fees will not be refunded for those who quit a squad once the competitive season begins.

Payments can be submitted through your final forms account at External Linkhttps://tricounty-mi.finalforms.com/

All High School Athletic Events
Students & Adult:  $5.00 ea
Family:  $15.00 (Includes 1 or 2 adults and minor children)

All Sport Tickets

Family:    $175.00 ( (Includes 1 or 2 adults and minor children)
Adult:       $70.00
Student:  $50.00

You may purchase All Sport Tickets at the High School Office.  

Lifetime Golden Age Pass for free admission to all school sponsored home events are available for senior citizens age 60 and older.  Available at the Tri County Area Schools Administration Office or at the High School Athletic Office.