From The Nurses' Desk
Our goal at Tri County Area Schools is to provide your children with a healthy environment in which to learn and grow. Please notify the school as soon as possible with any medical concerns that your child may have. We want to reassure yo that this information is kept confidential, shared only on a need to know basis, and will help us meet your child's medical needs while at school.
We hope the information on this page is informative and helpful. We Are TC!
We are proud to announce our participation in the "Building Healthy Communities: Engaging Middle Schools through Project Healthy Schools" program this school year. This program will be implemented at Tri County Middle School, with leadership from Wellness Champions, Kim Thompson RN and Jamie Moline RN. By the end of the year, students will be motivated to exercise more, eat healthier, and spend less time watching TV and playing video games.
Learn more about the program at www.projecthealthyschools.org and follow PHS on social media at
https://www.facebook.com/projecthealthyschools or
PHS Research Study Description for Parents
Nursing Services
Nursing Responsibilities
- Immunizations IP reporting to Mid Michigan Health Department
- Assessment of acute illnesses
- Monitor and report health conditions
- Emergency care of on-site student and employee injuries
- Communicable disease reporting to Mid Michigan Health Department
- Protective Service referrals
- Classroom teaching
- CPR and first aid training for staff
- Pre-kindergarten screening
- Organization of employee wellness and fitness program
- Vision and hearing screening coordination with Mid Michigan Health Department
- Implementation of OSHA Guidelines
- Appraise the school environment to ensure healthful conditions
- Monitor medication distribution
- Prepare individual Health Care Plans for students with medical conditions
- Provide individual services to students with critical medical needs
- Coordinate communication of health care needs of a student to school personnel
Illness Guidelines
"Do I send him/her today or not"?
It can be difficult to know when to keep your child home from school due to illness. The control of communicable diseases in our schools is always of concern. Simple "Rules of Thumb" of when to keep a child home are if any of the following are exhibited:
- fever
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- uncontrolled cough and runny nose
- rash without a diagnosis by a healthcare provider
Communicable Disease
Getting your children immunized is an important way to protect their health. Make sure your child receives regular checkups at your doctor's office or local health clinic. Keep a record of your child's vaccinations. Provide the school with a copy of your child's vaccinations. If you wish to waive your child's immunizations, a waiver form is available in the school office.
Immunization requirements for children attending Michigan schools:
• Diphtheria, Pertussis - 4 doses (Must have 1 dose within last 10 years)
• Tetanus - 1 dose every 5 years
• Polio - 3 doses
• Measles, Mumps, Rubella - 2 doses
• Hepatitis B - 3 doses
• Varicella (Chickenpox) - 2 doses for everyone kindergarten and up
• Meiningicoccal - everyone 11 years and older