Parent Information
TCAS Resource Connection
This site is designed as a connection to share social-emotional and community resources for our students and families. There are resources related to a variety of topics, which are updated regularly. There's also a Contact page for ways to get in touch with our school counselors.
Other Available Resources
Daily Class Schedule
Daily Schedule
1st Hour 7:25 - 8:29 am
2nd Hour 8:33 - 9:33 am
3rd Hour 9:37- 10:37 am
1st Lunch 10:37 - 11:07 am
4th Hour for 1st Lunch 10:41 - 11:41 am
4th Hour for 2nd Lunch 11:11 am - 12:11 pm
2nd Lunch 11:41 am - 12:11 pm
5th Hour 12:15 - 1:15 pm
6th Hour 1:19 - 2:20 pm
Early Release Schedule
1st Hour 7:25- 7:55 am
2nd hour 7:59- 8:28 am
3rd Hour 8:32- 9:01 am
4th Hour 9:05- 9:34 am
5th Hour- 9:38- 10:07 am
6th Hour 10:11am-10:41 am
LUNCH- 10:41-11:05am
1st hour 9:25am-10:10am 2nd hour 10:14am-10:54am 3rd hour 10:58am-11:38am ***NCCTC lunch at 11:10am 1st lunch 11:38am-12:08pm 4th hour-2nd lunchers 11:42am-12:22pm 4th hour 1st lunchers 12:12pm-12:52pm 2nd lunch 12:22pm-12:52pm 5th hour 12:56pm-1:36pm 6th hour 1:40pm-2:20pm
Medical Forms and Student Insurance Info
Medication Authorization Consent Form
All medications, presciption and non-prescription require a consent form.
Medication Authorization form available here
Medical Action Plan Forms
Diabetes Medical Management Plan form
Student Insurance
As a service to students and their families, TCAS makes availalbe a student accident insurnace plan for your child at a very nominal cost. Information explaining the plan and details of coverage are available online at